Matthew Edwards
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Hi! I'm Matthew Edwards and welcome to project portfolio website. I am a software engineer with 10 years of programming experience. My preferred programming languages include Java, Python, and C++, but I have solid experience in everything from ARM Assembly to PHP to Scala to Swift.

Personal Projects

My typical projects include those started for my own learning purposes or tools I have created to help myself in my own workflow. Game programming is also a personal hobby and I have been known to participate in Ludum Dare. Here are my projects broken down by programming language:

A collection of various projects can be found below: (What do the card colors mean?)

Skills and Experience


I am experienced in developing and deploying applications to a remote cloud infrastructure.


I have utilized many different enterprise tools for both professional and personal projects.


I have 10 years of development experience in several programming languages and frameworks.


I have extensively used several operating systems for development and written device drivers for RTOS.


I am studying Computer Science at the University of Michigan. Below are a few projects I have completed in my time as a Wolverine (click the "Shuffle" button to view a different, randomized subset). Projects can also be viewed by course or by primary programming language used.


My full employment history can be viewed on LinkedIn. You can also view an online version of my résumé or download a PDF.


If you'd like to inquire more about my experience or projects, feel free to email me. You can also reach out to me on the following platforms: